ini penampakan muesli yang dibeli di superindo.
nah kali ini penampakannya setelah di buka
berbeda dengan oats yang penampakan pada saat penyajian membutuhkan sugesti sangat kuat bagi yang memakannya, atau mungkin mama Jagung aja yang lebay ya hehehe. Tapi jujur mama Jagung lebih suka penyajian muesli yang lebih bertekstur dibanding oats yang benyeeek look a like (aaiiissssh bahasanya:P)
Muesli yang biasa mama Jagung makan untuk sarapan seperti gambar diatas ini. resepnya cuma muesli ditambah yogurt plain stirred (yogurt yang kental bukan yogurt drink loh) dan potongan buah diatasnya. Rasanya nyaman banget dilambung dan pastinya ngenyangin.
oke gini deh kalau masih ragu, saya kutip artikel tentang muesli ya dari
You may have heard that muesli is a great healthy breakfast, but do you know what it is and whether it's actually good for you? When it was first developed, muesli was typically a dry cereal made from toasted whole oats, nuts, fruit and wheat flakes. Now, you can find many versions, including gluten-free muesli, fresh muesli (soaked overnight in water or fruit juice to soften), toasted or untoasted muesli, and its close cousin: granola. Depending on how the muesli is made, it's often more natural and contains less calories and sugar than granola, which usually has more added syrup to aid in the toasting.
What are the nutritional benefits of muesli?
- Muesli typically has less sugar and calories than most breakfast cereals on supermarket shelves.
- It's high in fiber and whole grains, which regulate the digestive system, are filling and can aid in weight control.
- Muesli is a potent source of antioxidants.
- The addition of nuts provides a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids (especially walnuts).
- Milk or dairy alternatives that usually accompany muesli is a source of dairy and protein.
What makes muesli unhealthy?
people are shocked to discover that their "healthy" go-to breakfast is
actually laden with extra sugar, unnecessary calories, carbs and fat –
and rightly so when the packaging and slogans scream promises of greater
What should people be looking for in muesli for it to be considered healthy?
- Unroasted
- Watch the serving size (should only be 1/3- 1/2 cup max)
- Aim for varieties containing under 20g of carbohydrates per serving
- <3g of saturated fat per 100g
- Low glycemic index
- Limited dry fruit (too high in sugar)
- A mixture of healthy fats
my book, the only healthy muesli is homemade muesli! By making your own
muesli, you'll be able to avoid dried fruit (high sugar) and the
roasting process, which denatures fatty acids – plus you get to control
all the lovely ingredients. Below is a recipe for a muesli I am
particularly fond of.
masih ragu juga? hmmm...terserah sih itu mah pilihan masing-masing (^,^)
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